Massive PM Task: Manage the Design and Development of a New Portfolio System

Massive PM Task: Manage the Design and Development of a New Portfolio System

A private national financial brokerage company client needed a “Project Manger Superstar” to undertake a massive task: work with business sponsors, users, and IT staff to manage the design and development of a new Portfolio Management System for their business.


We placed one of our top Project Management Consultants to lead the charge on this project. During this time, he managed a team of 20 developers, system analysts, and testers, along with numerous other personnel from the support department. Working with business sponsors and end users, he kept the channels of communication open and flowing – including senior IT management and the CIO. In addition, our PM introduced Rational Unified Process to the project, helping to save time and money. Upon project completion, there was a 90% user acceptance and usage within the first 3 months of product roll out – a first in the firm’s history!


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